Isn't it ironic, I post about my grandparents yesterday, and today my Granny is admitted with Pneumonia. This year has really taken a toll on us between her first being admitted with a blood clot in her lung then Daddy having open heart surgery. Here we are once more. Getting old stinks!! I have saw my share of hospitals in the last two months to last a lifetime.
Yesterday was quit hairy in the Smith household. Pey had some issues at school with a cocky, ignorant, self absorbed teacher. It's handled. Danny says I done rather well hiding my crazy. Sadly I do have a touch of trailer park trash that seeps out when my children are involved. Danny does as well. Don't let that man lie to you. He was ready to go to jail over Peyton last Fall and dang near almost did!!! SMH!!! I am 100% supportive when I know they are in the wrong.......but when I know they were not........Katie bar the door.
This weekend we will be taking the kids to Lexington to visit my sister, Michelle, and her family. My niece, Carly, will be turning 3. I am ready for a couple days with the hubs. He has been gone all year and only coming in a few hours at time. The things that man does so I can have my kitchen remodeled. Thank you dear. I am so excited to have it remodeled. We spend more time in there than anywhere in the house. It will be such a nice place to be able to prepare meals and the kids will have a place to sit at the bar and do homework. Currently we have no way to be together as a family in that space. But in approximately 4 weeks that will change. I signed the contract today as well as picked doors, counter color, back splash, ect. Having a new sink that will hold more then a plate and cup will be the highlight. As well as a new fridge that will actually hold enough food to feed my small ball team. We will have some electrical work that needs to be done as well as some plumbing, but Danny will be able to do all that. He picked up the ability to do that when we build on to the house 4 years ago and remodeled one bathroom. I can't wait to post the before and after photos.
So, happy Thursday to y'all. I hope the weekend coming up is wonderful. March is on it's way.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I'm being watched. It's true.
Last night, for whatever reason, I went to sleep thinking about my Grandpaw. I think of him often. I live only feet away from Granny and share a yard with her. I think that's why I think of him often. We have taken possession over his garage that he would spend all his time in wood working, repairing things and sitting chewing his Mammoth Cave Twist. A few things are still in the garage just as he left them so suddenly almost 19 years ago. Fishing poles, cherry wood planks, supplies in his cabinets and his chair are just a few things I could never bare to move or throw away. Even a wooden roller that he used to roll up under cars and repair them is still out there tucked away. I don't know the correct term for this little repair roller thingie but I do know if I could find a way to fashionably hang it up on a wall in my house, I totally would. I adored that man. Probably more now then I ever.
My Grandpaw was rough around the edges. He smoked, chewed, cussed and pretty sure he drank on occasion since he was the best homemade wine maker this part of the county. He could make anything out of wood and did. He never hugged, complimented, went to church or laughed. He did however fuss and raise hell a lot. Maybe that's why I loved being in his presence as kid. I felt like I was breaking the law but no one could touch me because my Grandpaw would have slit their throat and asked He was the exact polar opposite of Granny. Grandpaw was a ornery man!
He taught me to shoot, raise bull dogs, cuss, drive, swear and throw a good fit!! He also taught me to play cards, which Granny hated cause it was considered gambling. He made me wooden toys, that I still charish but, most importantly, he taught me to take no crap off no one. I didn't apply that lesson until recently in my life. I was the first little girl in his life. He only had one child, my Daddy, and was rather ornery raising him from bits and pieces I gather here and there. I am pretty sure I softened his soul.
He and Granny came from the generation that slept in separate beds. Granny waited on this man hand and foot and I never recall him ever saying thank you to her, holding her hand and sayinf he loved her. Granny was hospitalized once and I stayed with Grandpaw because he had no idea how to fix himself anything. Granny spoiled him rotten and I often wondered why because he was so rude to her.
The morning he died, I don't remember how I felt. He was healthy. He had quit smoking years before his death. He still mowed, drove, worked and cussed right up till he died so suddenly. Doctors say a aneurysm burst.
I don't recall much about the funeral, even though I was fourteen years old. I do remember right before they closed his casket Granny leaned over on him, hugged him, patted him, told him he was a good man, a good husband and she'd sure miss him. I learned then not to judge what I see on the outside in others relationships. It's not my place.
A few years ago Daddy was cutting down a tree in mine and Granny's front yard. He had climbed to the top of it and was holding to the tree one handed while manoeuvring a chainsaw with the other. It made me sick to my stomach to watch him do this. I went inside because I couldn't watch it. I was so scared he was going to fall with that chain saw. After a few minutes I peaked out the window to see if he had finished and was back on the ground. Off to the side, a man was standing watching Daddy as well. Not giving it a second thought I just knew it was my older brother, David, from the quick glance I took before I headed back out. When I walked over to Granny and asked her where David went, she replied that no one had been there. But I know better. I saw a man. Clear as day. At the time I assumed it was my brother but know now it was my Grandpaw. He was watching over Daddy while he was doing something so incredibly stupid. And I know he is watching over me and my boys still too. He would have LOVED these boys!!!! He does LOVE these boys. The thought of him watching these boys give me hell makes me giggle. Every now and then I feel a presence, turn to it, and shake my head. They are his grandkids in every sence of the word!
My Grandpaw was rough around the edges. He smoked, chewed, cussed and pretty sure he drank on occasion since he was the best homemade wine maker this part of the county. He could make anything out of wood and did. He never hugged, complimented, went to church or laughed. He did however fuss and raise hell a lot. Maybe that's why I loved being in his presence as kid. I felt like I was breaking the law but no one could touch me because my Grandpaw would have slit their throat and asked He was the exact polar opposite of Granny. Grandpaw was a ornery man!
He taught me to shoot, raise bull dogs, cuss, drive, swear and throw a good fit!! He also taught me to play cards, which Granny hated cause it was considered gambling. He made me wooden toys, that I still charish but, most importantly, he taught me to take no crap off no one. I didn't apply that lesson until recently in my life. I was the first little girl in his life. He only had one child, my Daddy, and was rather ornery raising him from bits and pieces I gather here and there. I am pretty sure I softened his soul.
He and Granny came from the generation that slept in separate beds. Granny waited on this man hand and foot and I never recall him ever saying thank you to her, holding her hand and sayinf he loved her. Granny was hospitalized once and I stayed with Grandpaw because he had no idea how to fix himself anything. Granny spoiled him rotten and I often wondered why because he was so rude to her.
The morning he died, I don't remember how I felt. He was healthy. He had quit smoking years before his death. He still mowed, drove, worked and cussed right up till he died so suddenly. Doctors say a aneurysm burst.
I don't recall much about the funeral, even though I was fourteen years old. I do remember right before they closed his casket Granny leaned over on him, hugged him, patted him, told him he was a good man, a good husband and she'd sure miss him. I learned then not to judge what I see on the outside in others relationships. It's not my place.
A few years ago Daddy was cutting down a tree in mine and Granny's front yard. He had climbed to the top of it and was holding to the tree one handed while manoeuvring a chainsaw with the other. It made me sick to my stomach to watch him do this. I went inside because I couldn't watch it. I was so scared he was going to fall with that chain saw. After a few minutes I peaked out the window to see if he had finished and was back on the ground. Off to the side, a man was standing watching Daddy as well. Not giving it a second thought I just knew it was my older brother, David, from the quick glance I took before I headed back out. When I walked over to Granny and asked her where David went, she replied that no one had been there. But I know better. I saw a man. Clear as day. At the time I assumed it was my brother but know now it was my Grandpaw. He was watching over Daddy while he was doing something so incredibly stupid. And I know he is watching over me and my boys still too. He would have LOVED these boys!!!! He does LOVE these boys. The thought of him watching these boys give me hell makes me giggle. Every now and then I feel a presence, turn to it, and shake my head. They are his grandkids in every sence of the word!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Tuesday Winding Down
Its not a Tuesday until someone sprays Pledge on the floor and slides till they fall face first and get a nose bleed, dump a bag of flour in the kitchen, spray Oster Clipper Cooling Lube in my dryer and stick bubble gum in their hair.
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device provided by Bluegrass Cellular
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Pey with his loot for Ms. Kiley. I raised him right.
At the bottom of his bag he handed me a tin of my favorite chocolate. I cried.
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At the bottom of his bag he handed me a tin of my favorite chocolate. I cried.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device provided by Bluegrass Cellular
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Yuk. What a nasty morning. I hate having to get the boys up and put them on the bus in the cold rain. But, it's better then keeping them home. ;)
This month has proved to be very difficult for me. I have had to make some choices and burn some bridges but I am very satisfied. There comes a time when the actions of others are just so very irritating and irresponsible that I have to stop all communication. Children and their needs should always come first. Especially when it's thanks to them that you even have money to be blowing on chit. That's ok. I have washed my hands of it. Some people grow, mature and have their priorities lined out properly. Some don't. I could jabber on and on about my feelings on this matter but there's no need to mention names nor continue with this subject. I have freed myself from it and will not be looking back.
One last thing about pathetic adults..........stealing medication from a child is low. Taking advantage of me being out of the house and with my Daddy during such a difficult time and you come into my home and steal medication. Shame on you. I trusted you. My children trusted you.
Now, let's change the direction of this post.
Daddy is on the mend. Several told us Daddy would be different after surgery. Maybe for a few months, maybe forever. He is indeed different. Touchy, ill and maybe a little short fused. (I'm beginning to think I had open heart surgery. I too seem to suffer more so here lately from those things.)
Tomorrow is my anniversary first and foremost and secondly, Valentines Day. Danny is getting me a macro lens for my Nikon for our anniversary and I chose a IOU for Valentines Day. I hate flowers. I don't need candy. I don't ware jewelry. I'm not your normal woman. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have my cabinets refaced. A gift that keeps giving for years makes more sense to me than useless crap. A couple years ago Peyton dug up March Lily bulbs from a field for me and replanted them in my back yard. That meant more to me then any vase of "I'm sorry and I'm a arsehole" flowers I have ever gotten.
I finally figured out how to crochet. I don't mean to toot my own horn but, I can now sew, knit and crochet. Toot -Toot. While getting my taxes done last week I took a crochet hook and sat a hour patiently and quietly. The couple behind me where not good whisperers. They made fun of me. I laughed. I can see how being 250 pounds each, loud mouthed and rude is much cooler than crochet. Hahahaha.
Congrats Banana Joe. You are one cool little dude. Best in show. Yes, I'm cool like that too. I love the dog show.
I woke up yesterday morning to a pup sitting at my back door. Thank you to whom ever dropped her off. Ugh. I fed her, wormed her watered her and put her in a crate in the garage until I can get some weight on her and find her a home. Some people should never be allowed to be dog owners. She is such a sweet little girl. She's clearly been mistreated. She wants to like us so bad, but she can't stop shaking when humans are in sight.
I hope guys have had a great February. I promise to blog more.
Update on my book: Hang tight. It's coming along.
This month has proved to be very difficult for me. I have had to make some choices and burn some bridges but I am very satisfied. There comes a time when the actions of others are just so very irritating and irresponsible that I have to stop all communication. Children and their needs should always come first. Especially when it's thanks to them that you even have money to be blowing on chit. That's ok. I have washed my hands of it. Some people grow, mature and have their priorities lined out properly. Some don't. I could jabber on and on about my feelings on this matter but there's no need to mention names nor continue with this subject. I have freed myself from it and will not be looking back.
One last thing about pathetic adults..........stealing medication from a child is low. Taking advantage of me being out of the house and with my Daddy during such a difficult time and you come into my home and steal medication. Shame on you. I trusted you. My children trusted you.
Now, let's change the direction of this post.
Daddy is on the mend. Several told us Daddy would be different after surgery. Maybe for a few months, maybe forever. He is indeed different. Touchy, ill and maybe a little short fused. (I'm beginning to think I had open heart surgery. I too seem to suffer more so here lately from those things.)
Tomorrow is my anniversary first and foremost and secondly, Valentines Day. Danny is getting me a macro lens for my Nikon for our anniversary and I chose a IOU for Valentines Day. I hate flowers. I don't need candy. I don't ware jewelry. I'm not your normal woman. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have my cabinets refaced. A gift that keeps giving for years makes more sense to me than useless crap. A couple years ago Peyton dug up March Lily bulbs from a field for me and replanted them in my back yard. That meant more to me then any vase of "I'm sorry and I'm a arsehole" flowers I have ever gotten.
I finally figured out how to crochet. I don't mean to toot my own horn but, I can now sew, knit and crochet. Toot -Toot. While getting my taxes done last week I took a crochet hook and sat a hour patiently and quietly. The couple behind me where not good whisperers. They made fun of me. I laughed. I can see how being 250 pounds each, loud mouthed and rude is much cooler than crochet. Hahahaha.
Congrats Banana Joe. You are one cool little dude. Best in show. Yes, I'm cool like that too. I love the dog show.
I woke up yesterday morning to a pup sitting at my back door. Thank you to whom ever dropped her off. Ugh. I fed her, wormed her watered her and put her in a crate in the garage until I can get some weight on her and find her a home. Some people should never be allowed to be dog owners. She is such a sweet little girl. She's clearly been mistreated. She wants to like us so bad, but she can't stop shaking when humans are in sight.
I hope guys have had a great February. I promise to blog more.
Update on my book: Hang tight. It's coming along.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Finally sat down a couple days ago and figured out all the fuss about crochet. Love it!!! I crocheted a few head bands and knitted the flowers. Yes, tacky big loopy flowers, and I adore them. Is that being conceded? ;)
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device provided by Bluegrass Cellular
Thursday, February 7, 2013
There Are No Wrong Reasons.
Evyn was born with some serious health issues. I know I have mentioned that many times. I have not mentioned the year that followed his birth.
During my pregnancy with Evyn, Eli was diagnosed. Soon after Evyn was born sick. During this time a good friend passed away entirely too young, my mother was hospitalized, money issues, job problems and our marriage began to ravel at the seams. Danny and I separated that Summer per my request. I was worn out, alone and pissed off all the time. I was certain things were simply not salvageable even tho he had moved to a better paying job and was able to be home more. A lawyer had been called and things were set into motion to file for divorce. Again, not something many knew about. Toward the end of that year we were slapped with a law suit. Six months after Danny changed jobs we were sued for the Semi he was leasing to buy and had returned. To make a long story short, we were sued for the maintenance on that truck. Maybe we were responsible for it.......that's not the argument here. The argument is we were already broke financially and broke mentally and this could not have came a worse time. We decided to work on our marriage at this point and try to get through filing a bankruptcy. Not for the correct reasons, clearly.
On Feb 5th 2011 our bankruptcy was final and our debts were wiped clean. Not exactly something I am proud of but it was a new start for us. A way to have the things we needed and a splash of things we wanted. We saw a light at the end of our tunnel.
Feb 7th I sent Danny and Peyton to Hiseville before the roads got to bad and they never made it home........
During my pregnancy with Evyn, Eli was diagnosed. Soon after Evyn was born sick. During this time a good friend passed away entirely too young, my mother was hospitalized, money issues, job problems and our marriage began to ravel at the seams. Danny and I separated that Summer per my request. I was worn out, alone and pissed off all the time. I was certain things were simply not salvageable even tho he had moved to a better paying job and was able to be home more. A lawyer had been called and things were set into motion to file for divorce. Again, not something many knew about. Toward the end of that year we were slapped with a law suit. Six months after Danny changed jobs we were sued for the Semi he was leasing to buy and had returned. To make a long story short, we were sued for the maintenance on that truck. Maybe we were responsible for it.......that's not the argument here. The argument is we were already broke financially and broke mentally and this could not have came a worse time. We decided to work on our marriage at this point and try to get through filing a bankruptcy. Not for the correct reasons, clearly.
On Feb 5th 2011 our bankruptcy was final and our debts were wiped clean. Not exactly something I am proud of but it was a new start for us. A way to have the things we needed and a splash of things we wanted. We saw a light at the end of our tunnel.
Feb 7th I sent Danny and Peyton to Hiseville before the roads got to bad and they never made it home........
That week we racked up 40K in medical debt not to mention the fact no income came in for 13 weeks following their wreck. We had totaled the one good running vehicle we had, and had absolutely no nest egg. These were the hardest few weeks of our entire life not to mention the fact our marriage was still quit rocky.
It took us that whole year and part of the next to get back to where we were before our baby was born so sick. It took a lot of arguments, tears and broken items.....:) But I am proud to say that things are beautiful for our family now. It's been almost a year since our road has smoothed. I had to cut people out of my life that were toxic and holding me back from trying 100%. You cannot put forth effort into anything if you have people in your ear telling you your making a mistake. The wreck was two years ago today and made me think how incredibly lucky we are now to have our health, our marriage and four wonderful thriving boys. This blog is for all my friends who seem to be having a tough time right now. Hang in there. Push when you think you cannot push anymore. some more and even more after that. Make time for each other and laugh often. If you work on things for the wrong reasons, don't get discouraged. Don't let people tell you that things will never work out or be the same because you are not together for the correct reasons. With time, love, patience and determination .........those wrong reasons turn into the right ones.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
BlackBerry Photo Dump
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<3 MUD <3
It was a beautiful evening. I bragged more then once to Danny about how all the boys were outside and I had vacuumed and mopped while Evyn was outside playing with his brothers. While sitting on the couch eating caramel and listening to Dr Oz tell me house to loose belly fat I heard foot stomping through the dining room and discovered...........
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device provided by Bluegrass Cellular