The kids were fantastic for the ride down last Sunday. All smiles and giggles and glory. Monday morning was amazing. We arrived around sunrise and Danny and I were even excited to to be in Mobile Walmart at 430 a.m.. Everyone played on the beach all evening and in the pool then retired to their own room and slept in their own beds. It was as if Angels were singing and flying around their little heads. I could see a halo above Eli. Tuesday morning was similar to Monday but Tuesday evening the bottom dropped out from under it. The glory and angels was then hell and demonic creatures. Had it not been for Kerry I'm certain we would have given up and came home on Wednesday. Everyone but Evyn wanted to go home and he took it in spurts. We visited the Sea Lab and Fort Gains to try and keep them busy and happy but it was short lived. Danny and I slipped in some house hunting and a couple childless meals. We designated every night for quite walks on the beach after the kids gave up the griping and slept. I have several Nikon photos posted on FB. Check them out.
We stayed at the Holiday Isle this year and were super pleased with our condo. Last years was lovely for our first experience with a condo but this one was even nicer. The indoor and outdoor pool came in handy when tying to please all for hetherns. The more options the better. Kerry had her own space to retreat to. The boys had their own beds and no one had to share. Of course by night two I was on the sleeper sofa with Zackary because one night with his brothers was his limit. By the time I remembered to photograph our condo it was already a mess. Excuse the laundry and clutter please.
Fort Gains was really cool. Of course it was Danny's idea. Mine was the Sea Lab. (photos on FB) The boys enjoyed the Blacksmiths much more then the pickled sharks. Ugh.
Now it's back to the daily grind. Happy 2nd day of Fall.

We had a time avoiding the Moon Jellies. They eat us up!

Woodchipper, these pants came from Blue Revival. Love love love! I also took home a pair of the shoes with the yoga mat souls. Amazing!

Peyton figured out the Boogie Board stuff by day two. And has the scars to prove it.

Takes my breath!

One of my favs.

Our savior of the week! We love our Kerry!

I told him to take a photo with me and act normal.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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