Supper terrific day out and about with some of my herd.
Eli was home today again with Strep. He is allergic to his meds they prescribed and projectile puked all night. After the meds had worked their way back up, he was good to go. He still looks like a ghost. I'm questioning if he will go tomorrow. The verdict is still out.
My Stacy gave me a hawt little cut and color today. Thanks for all the FB comments on the pictures. You guys are the best. Bold, sexy, hawt, daring. All great words for the spirit.
Today while delivering Granny to get her hair did, we got into a bit of a heated argument. I try not to cross Granny but sometimes my mouth over rides my brain. She was paying very close attention to the wind damage for several minutes until finally she said "We are living in The End now" (Meaning the end of time for those of you who had to read that twice in hopes it's make more sense the second time.) Now let me remind you that I am fixing to celebrate my 4th 29th birthday and for as long as i can remember we have been living in The End as proclaimed by Granny. I can also recall as a child Granny saying her Daddy claimed for 90 years that the end was near. Granny continued to explain how God was sending winds, fires, and now these massive destructive tornadoes to let us know the end was near. Before I realized I snapped back with "or it could be how warm and and pressure and cold air clash together." Dammit. Why must I open my mouth. Errrrrr.
I received a tip today on Willa and spent most of the evening knocking on doors. It only resulted in upsetting the kids again. No Willa. But, I will continue to search for my sweet little girl until I have proof that I should stop. Word of mouth and a hefty reward seems to open ears a little more. Money along with a 6 year old teary eyed and stating firmly he misses his little doggie cause she was the bestest friend he's had since he was free (three) years old. She's better turn up soon. I have terrible, no good, very bad plans for some folks. I tend to act out these plans and ask questions later. Another flaw of mine. People who take things from children belong on the fourth shelf in hell right next to............nevermind. ;)
Hope yall enjoyed this beautiful day. On the genda for tomorrow.......manacure, mystic tan, a little spring clothes shopping, and a few more trips around the block in the day light for Ms. Willa. the last couple days were a little hairy but tomorrow I intend to begin my Spring Break.
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