Thursday, January 26, 2012

I must take two minutes for myself. AKA two photographs.

 It dawned on me a couple days ago that I have not sat down to do the one thing I enjoy more than anything in this world in entirely too long. Photograph my boys.

 These tide over my urge for a while but the first chance we get I'm thinking......some beach.......somewhere. Eli isn't stable. He has been rapid cycling since Christmas. For a Bipolar adult rapid cycling is defined in the DSM as having four or more mood changes in one year. For a child the definition should be altered.  Fits of rage, happiness, depression, crying, ect. all wrapped up into a period of a few days. This frequency can also be  labeled as ultra rapid cycling. We saw a new Dr. last week and I'm hoping for better days to come. I decided several days ago that as soon as he has several good days in a row we are out here for a few days. We all need a break from doctors, teachers, work and responsibility's of our normal day to day routine. They need some warm sand between their satanic little toes and I need a drink in one hand and the camera around my neck.
 Happy Little Friday.

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